About Your Privacy


There is a new law that is in effect from May 25 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation) that places new obligations on organizations that process EU personal data. This page is where you learn more about what data we use, where we send it, and to what purpose.

Transparency of data

We collect a range of data from players and send it to third parties in order to give the best game experience possible. Here we give a high level outline of the types of companies we send data to and why:

  • We send data to companies who provide analytics services to improve the whole game experience for you. From things like enabling us to tell which levels might be too difficult so we can adjust them, to improving our special game events and in-game sales for you.
  • We send data to crash reporting service companies so that we know when there are bugs or crashes in the game, so that we can fix them.
  • We send data to our own database in order to save your game progress through the levels.
  • We send data to store-based achievement centers (Game Center for iOS, Google Play services for Android and Game Circles for Amazon) to give the Achievements and Leaderboards that you get for playing the game and also so that we can learn about how you play the game to make it an even better experience.
  • We send data to ad networks in order to show you advertisements in the game (so that you can use features like the Spin Wheel in Best Fiends, to get rewards).
  • We send data to attribution tracking companies so that we can know from where you learnt about the game (i.e. we can tell if you came to the game through one of our advertisements or if you just found it on the store).
  • If you sign up to push notifications, we send data to push notification service companies in order to send you push notifications on your device reminding you about things in the game (for example if there is a special event on).

Contact Information

If you have any questions relating to your data privacy and akiwy, please contact us at support@akiwy.com

Under GDPR, if you are in the EU, you have the right to request details of the specific data we collect and how we use it. As an EU citizen, you also have the right to request that your data is erased, to do this, please contact us via support@akiwy.com